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Writing Center Resources for Undergraduate Students: Revising and Editing

This guide contains resources for writing, the writing process, and matters of style and punctuation.


Revising and editing are often lumped together, usually to save time. But making time for these two steps individually will help to increase your writing skills. 


Revising is the process of looking at the larger picture of your paper. Here is a table that breaks down some “higher order concerns” that you would review in during revisions.


Editing is more about those smaller or local concerns. This is where you do spelling and grammar checks, reviewing your formatting, and check your citations. This table breaks down some of the “lower order concerns” in editing


The writing process is not linear, but there are different steps and following those steps are highly useful. Making extra time in your schedule to work through revising and editing will be well worth it in the end. Come to the Writing Center several times during this process—we can help you with both the higher and the lower order concerns.